Friday, August 24, 2012


AP Art Assignment #5 by Arianna Hall

"Time is Money." 

- Benjamin Franklin 

Being in high school makes a person have quite a busy life. I mean school alone is from 8:30 to 3:10 (varying from school to school of course). Then when you get home if you're a junior or senior you usually have about 3 hours worth of homework. If you have music lessons that takes about an hour, if you do a sport that's another 3 hours, if you do any after school clubs that's about 2 to 3 hours, hanging out with friends, well only God knows when that ends haha. You get my point. So if you're out of high school, your live is probably even MORE busy! Or if you're less busy I hope that you actually take some time to go hiking or read a good book, you lucky duck.

Won a Gold Key in the Scholastic Art
Awards for this. By Arianna Hall
So, my dad told me awhile ago that in order to be an artist you must be selfish with your time. Or else you'll really get nothing done. You have time for what you want to do. You just have to plan ahead to make it that way and learn to say yes and no at the right times. Learn the art of saying no if you have priorities, it all feeds in to how well you focus

Take my AP Art Assignments for example, I have to sit inside on a wonderful summer day in order to get them done because I've waiting until the last two weeks of summer to do them. I had to say no to getting out of the house and yes to what I had to do in order to focus on what needed to be done. 

In your life it probably isn't getting your art assignments done that is a priority for you. Maybe you have kids that you need to spend time with but work keeps getting in the way. If you come home tired from the long work week and your kid is begging you to read them a story don't just go and check your e-mail! Sit them down and spend time with them because you'll never get those moments back

That's just an example I know it doesn't relate to everyone but I assure you that everyone, somewhere in the back of their mind, has something they want or need to do most, but somethings always getting in the way. What is it for you? And what do you have to say no to in order to say yes to that one thing? 

Thanks for listening! 
Check out my t-shirt designs to your right 
(scroll up under entries and you'll find 
the post that says hey you! wanna shirt?!)
I hope everyone has a wonderful day today! 
~ Arianna 

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